How Wikipedia is Biased against Truth and Vilifies Dharmic Concepts
Recently there has been a rise of statements about Wikipedia, on how this platform is used to vilify Dharmic concepts and systems like Ayurveda. Here is my experience with Wikipedia.
I became an editor of Wikipedia in 2004, which then promised as a democratic encyclopedia which can be grown by people with expert knowledge on specific topics, through their contributions and edits.
Having read and studied the unabridged versions of Veda, Itihasa, Puranas, I created around 150 plus articles in Wikipedia on Bharatavarsha Janapadas like Kuru, Panchala, Surasena, Matsya, Kasi, Kosala, Magadha, Anga, Vanga, Kalinga, Vidarbha, Nishadha, Anarta, Dwaraka, Kishkindha, Chola, Pandya, Kerala, Madra, Kekaya, Kamboja, Gandhara, Sindhu, Shivi, Sauvira etc and cities like Ahichatra, Kampilya, Hastinapura, Indrapasta, Mathura, Upaplavya, Ayodhya, Sravasti, Girivraja, Rajagriha, Modapura, Champapuri, Ujjayani, Mahishmati, Manipura etc. I also contributed many Bharatavarsha maps like the kingdom map, city map, travel maps of Rama, Arjuna, Bhima, Nakula, Sahedeva, Yudhisthira and others and also many portrait paintings of the Pandavas and Panchali.
150 articles created by me (Jijith Nadumuri Ravi) on Wikipedia
Things went well till 2008, after which Wikipedia was proliferated with anti India, anti Dharmic editors who vandalized or distorted my pages and also any page with Dharmic content or content related to India or Hinduism.
In 2009 I spend a lot of my bandwidth in maintaining my Wikipedia pages from frequent vandalism and re edits that turned the pages unrecognizable from its original state.
Then I created my own website AncientVoice in November 2009, with features similar to Wikipedia and recreated all the pages of ancient janapadas and cities of Bharata there. I also republished my Bharatavarsha maps and all my paintings at AncientVoice.
I created one wiki page for each and every Adhyaya of Mahabharata , every Sarga of Ramayana, every hymn of Rgveda, Yajurveda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda and every Adhyaya of Vishnu Purana at AncientVoice.
Then I analyzed around 7500 nouns in Mahabharata, 2800 nouns in Vishnu Purana, 2600 nouns in Ramayana and 1800 nouns in all the four Vedas combined, including Krishna and Sukla Yajurveda recensions and created wiki pages for each of them and interconnected all of these noun pages with the chapter pages, there by creating world’s first and largest wiki for Mahabharata, Ramayana, the four Vedas and Vishnu Purana containing millions of hyperlinks.
Besides, I authored 100s of articles on travel narratives of the Pandavas and Rama and other articles about the characteristics of individual personalities like Bhima, Arjuna and others in the site. These articles were used by Swastik Pictures in the Mahabharata TV series in Star Plus. I was engaged in the early stages of its production. I also wrote more analysis articles on the longevity of Bhishma, Aryan-Dravidian fakery, on the concept of seperating facts from the magical narratives etc there.
Few maps and images I created and added to Wikipedia
The AncientVoice (click here) website thus grew to 23700 plus pages by around 2011.
Then I created sister wiki sites viz. Naalanda with similar Wikis for the 18 major Upanishads, Tirukkural and Silappatikaram of Tamil tradition and another site viz. Takshasila with world’s only available wiki for the Greek epics Iliad, Odyssey and for the Avestan (Zoroastrian) texts like Vendidad, Visperad, Yazt and Yazata.
All of these were completed by 2012 and early 2013.
Thus I created an alternative for Wikipedia on topics dealing with Bharatiya, Greek and Avestan texts.
If Ii continued with Wikipedia i could have never achieved any of these or create these alternatives in the form of AncientVoice, Naalanda (click here), Takshasila (click here) and RecentVoice (click here).
The last site RecentVoice is used to write on topics related to current affairs and to salvage articles deleted or distorted by Wikipedia or not admitted by Wikipedia. Thus it contains articles of Maria Wirth and Ishvar Sharan.
After the request by Sri Ishwar Sharan, a Westerner who took Sanyasa diksha and living in India, who has done detailed research on St Thomas, I started editing the St Thomas article in Wikipedia which contained gross distortions.
He himself tried to correct the grossly wrong Wikipedia article about St Thomas visiting the places like central and southern Kerala establishing churches and then got martyred by the local Brahmins at Mylapore Chennai. Unable to succeed due to vandalism he sought the help of many Wikipedia editors including me. But a big gang of Church paid Wikipedia editors thwarted our attempts to rectify the article. The battle went for 2 years.
Finally realizing that fighting in Wikipedia is a waste of time I salvaged the article in my wiki site Recentvoice.
‘About Me’ in Wikipedia and few Mahabharatae scenes I created and added in Wikipedia
It shows the original portrayal of saint Thomas was different than what is understood today. In the oldest Abrahamic chronicles his name was Dydymus a twin brother of Yeshu, a Yeshu-lookalike. Yeshu sold him as a slave to a naval merchant who was trading with the eastern nations. He reached a Zoroastrian kingdom in Pakistan (Baluchistan or Sindh).
There he tried to convert the king’s daughter and the bridegroom on their wedding day in their bedroom! For this crime and for trying to convert many of his subjects through a false religion, the king sentenced him to death. The Zoroastrian soldiers killed him by piercing him with spears.
This original story is then modified by missionaries to the effect that he is portrayed as appearing in any random place where these missionaries want to convert the local population! They will also portray that some random local chief martyred Thomas.
Wikipedia and RecentVoice on St Thomas
In this way, the story of Thomas arrival and his martyrdom is planted in Brazil, Africa, Iran, Pakistan, South India and Tibet, China, South Korea too!!
How many times in how many places a single person die?
All in the name of missionary conversion!!
Disclaimer: The views expressed here are solely of the author. My India My Glory does not assume any responsibility for the validity or information shared in this article by the author.
Featured image courtesy: Wikipedia and Chakra News.