Is Lower Back Pain Troubling You? Alleviate It with These Exercises!

lower back pain alleviation through exercises

Getting in shape and losing fat is the mantra of today’s urban lifestyle. Exercise is the buzzword. No pills or medications can facilitate a fit and active body. Right from boosting your mood to improving your masculinity/femininity, exercises no wonder improves your life. Performing exercises, you can always feel better, have more energy and even live longer. A research has proven that at least 15 minutes of exercise a day adds three years of life to your longevity chart!


When bodily ailments bother you, performing exercises can be a hindrance. The human back is one of the most significant parts of the body providing support and strength for the head and trunk besides facilitating flexibility and movement. With the upper back you get structural support while with the lower back you become flexible to move in ‘back bending’ and ‘forward bending’.


Lower back pain is one of the most common of musculoskeletal disorders, caused mainly due to today’s hectic lifestyle. An approximate 80% of people are affected by this disorder at some point in their lives. Following some conservative measures, you can at least keep a check on your lower back pain. There are few exercises performing which you can alleviate the pain of your lower back. Follow the exercises step by step and perform them as directed till the pain subsides.


Static Hyper Extension

Start with Static Hyper Extension. This exercise, especially for those sitting for long periods or suffering from acute lower back pain, helps loosen up the back muscles. Perform the movement slowly, as it could be uncomfortable to perform at first.


So, how do you do it? Lie face down with hands flat on floor and level with the shoulders – in push-up position. Then, pushing up with arms, while leaving the lower part of your body on the floor, lift head and shoulders as high as possible, while letting back sag inwards. Hold for ten seconds and repeat up to ten times. This exercise also aids in stretching.


Standing Hyper Extension

Once you are done with the aforesaid exercise, perform Standing Hyper Extension. This is one of the easiest exercises to perform and can be very easily and comfortably performed even in your office. Doing this exercise every couple of hours during your working hours will help in maintaining the correct posture and natural curvature of the lower back.


To perform, stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart, and your toes pointing directly forward. Place hands on lower back region and bend backwards, breathing out slowly. The lower back must finish in an arched position, and be continually supported with the hands. Now slowly return to the starting position while inhaling. Make sure that you perform the movement slowly with no jerks at all. Do this for three sets of ten repetitions each.


Crest and Trough Move

The third in this exercise series for alleviating lower back pain is Crest and Trough Move. This movement can help you get rid of acute lower back pain, if performed in the correct manner and done over a period of time.


To perform this movement, start by placing your palms and your knees on the floor just like a horse. Now round up your back by lifting your lower back and pulling your abdominals inside. Hold this position for a count of ten and then gently let it relax slowly moving into the natural curve of the back. Now sag your back inside forming a trough in your spine. Hold this position for a count of ten and then gently return to the normal starting position. In this way, perform about ten repetitions.


If you follow these simple guidelines, your lower back pain will certainly get eliminated from your body dictionary! Readers can send in their queries or feedback at Visit Total Training Terminal page on Facebook for updates on fitness and bodybuilding.


Lower back pain Featured Image Source: WebMed and

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Yogaditya Singh Rawal

National level competitive bodybuilder, Mr. India 2016 (Federation Cup Bodybuilding), Certified Fitness Trainer (ISSA-USA), Performance Nutrition Consultant, Diet Consultant, Writer, and Practitioner of Ancient Indian Battlefield Art 'Sanatan Shastra Vidya'. He runs a gym (Total Training Terminal) in East Delhi.
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