Kalidasa – Times and Works; What about 3 Kālidāsas?


Three Kālidāsa have been indicated by Rājaśekhara in his Kāvya-mīmānsā. This verse also occurs in Sūkti-muktāvalī of Jalhaṇa and Subhāṣitāvalī of Hari Kavi–


एकोऽपि जीयते हन्त कालिदासो न केनचित्। शृङ्गारे ललितोद्गारे कालिदास त्रयी किमु॥


= Alas! Even single Kālidāsa cannot be defeated in beauty of expression and its feelings. What about 3 Kālidāsas?


(1) Kālidāsa-1 had written 3 dramas-Mālavikāgnimitram, Abhijñāna-Śākuntalam, Vikramorvaśīyam. At end of the first, he indicates that it was in period of king Agnmitra, second king of Śunga dynasty (1158-1108 BC).


मालविकाग्निमित्रम्-भरतवाक्य-आशास्यमीतिविगमप्रभृति प्रजानां सम्पत्स्यते न खलु गोप्तरि नाग्निमित्रे॥


= Bharata-vākya (good wishes at the end)-We may hope that 6 tragedies like Īti (genocide), Vigama (displacement) will not fall people even after the protector Agnimitra is no more.


Two other dramas could be by others.


(2) Kālidāsa-2 was one of 9 jewels in court of Great Paramāra emperor Vikramāditya (82 BC-19 AD). In last chapter 22 of Joyotirvidābharaṇa, he has given details of king Vikramāditya, poets and scholars in his court, and time of this work.


श्लोकैश्चतुर्दशशतै सजिनैर्मयैव ज्योतिर्विदाभरण काव्य विधानमेतत्‌ ॥ᅠ२२.६ᅠ॥

विक्रमार्कवर्णनम्‌-वर्षे श्रुति स्मृति विचार विवेक रम्ये श्रीभारते खधृतिसम्मितदेशपीठे।

मत्तोऽधुना कृतिरियं सति मालवेन्द्रे श्रीविक्रमार्क नृपराजवरे समासीत्‌ ॥ᅠ२२.७ᅠ॥


= This work in 1424 verses is written when Mālavā king Vikramāditya is ruling with Dharma over 180 Janapadas in Bhārata.


नृपसभायां पण्डितवर्गा-शङ्‌कु सुवाग्वररुचिर्मणिरङ्‌‌गुदत्तो जिष्णुस्त्रिलोचनहरो घटखर्पराख्य।

अन्येऽपि सन्ति कवयोऽमरसिंहपूर्वा यस्यैव विक्रमनृपस्य सभासदोऽमो ॥ᅠ२२.८ᅠ॥

सत्यो वराहमिहिर श्रुतसेननामा श्रीबादरायणमणित्थकुमारसिंहा।

श्रीविक्रमार्कंनृपसंसदि सन्ति चैते श्रीकालतन्त्रकवयस्त्वपरे मदाद्या ॥ᅠ२२.९ᅠ॥

नवरत्नानि-धन्वन्तरि क्षपणकामरसिंहशङ्‌कुर्वेतालभट्‌ट घटखर्पर कालिदासा।

ख्यातो वराहमिहिरो नृपते सभायां रत्नानि वै वररुचिर्नव विक्रमस्य ॥ᅠ२२.१०ᅠ॥


= In addition to me, there are many scholars in his court-Śanku, Vararuchi, Maṇi, Angudatta, Jiṣṇugupta (son of king Avantivarman of Nepal 103-33 BC, father of astronomer Brahmagupta), Trilochana, hara, Ghaṭakharpara, Amarasimha, author of Kālatantra (Kṛṣṇa Miśra ?), Satyāchārya (astrologer), Varāhamihira, Śrutasena, Bādarāyaṇa, Maṇittha, Kumārasimha. 9 Jewels in his court are-Dhanvantari (III-Suśruta-samhitā), Kṣapaṇaka (Revival of jain texts), Amarasimha (Amarakoṣa), Śanku (surveying), Vetāla-Bhaṭṭa (revision of purāṇas), Ghaṭakharpara (Tantra), Kālidāsa, famous Varāhamihira, Vararuchi (Vārtika on grammer, Vākya-karaṇa = sentenses to clculate planetary positions popular in Kerala).


यो रुक्मदेशाधिपतिं शकेश्वरं जित्वा गृहीत्वोज्जयिनीं महाहवे।

आनीय सम्भ्राम्य मुमोच यत्त्वहो स विक्रमार्कः समसह्यविक्रमः ॥ २२.१७ ॥

तस्मिन्‌ सदाविक्रममेदिनीशे विराजमाने समवन्तिकायाम्‌।

सर्व प्रजा मङ्‌गल सौख्य सम्पद्‌ बभूव सर्वत्र च वेदकर्म ॥ २२.१८ ॥


=Who can have irresistible valour like king Vikramāditya who captured king of Romaka (Julius Caesar) in great war, brought him to Ujjayinī and released him after parading him in city? People are prosperous and friendly under his rule as per Veda.


शङ्‌क्वादि पण्डितवराः कवयस्त्वनेके ज्योतिर्विदः सभमवंश्च वराहपूर्वाः।

श्रीविक्रमार्कनृपसंसदि मान्यबुद्घिस्तत्राप्यहं नृपसखा किल कालिदासः ॥ २२.१९ ॥


=There are many scholars, poets, astronomers in court of king Vikrama whose friend is Kālidāsa.


काव्यत्रयं सुमतिकृद्रघुवंशपूर्वं पूर्वं ततो ननु कियच्छ्रुतिकर्मवादः।

ज्योतिर्विदाभरणकालविधानशास्त्रं श्रीकालिदासकवितो हि ततो बभूव ॥ २२.२० ॥

वर्षैः सिन्धुरदर्शनाम्बरगुणै (३०६८) र्याते कलौ सम्मिते, मासे माधवसंज्ञिके च विहितो ग्रन्थक्रियोपक्रमः।

नानाकाल विधानशास्त्र गदित ज्ञानं विलोक्यादरा-दूर्जे ग्रन्थ समाप्तिरत्र विहिता ज्योतिर्विदां प्रीतये ॥


= Three epics including Raghuvamśa were written after getting Sumati (intellect), then a work on Karma-vāda (Kālāmṛta in 2 parts, effect of past deeds indicated by astrology) then this work Jyotirvidābharaṇa was written for knowing auspicious times (Kāla-vidhāna). This work started in 3068 Kali (34 BC) in Māgha month and was completed in Kārttika month of same year.


Here, Kalidasa indicates that he was illiterate fool, but became scholar by grace of Kālī. Then her wife asked-अस्ति कश्चिद् वाग्विशेष: (= have you learnt something?). From each of these words he started one epic-अस्त्युत्तरस्यां दिशि देवतात्मा (कुमारसम्भव), कश्चित्कान्ताविरहगुरुणा (मेघदूत), वागर्थाविव संपृक्तौ (रघुवंश). In Uttara-kālāmṛta also, he has indicated his patron as Vikramāditya-


श्रीमद्वक्त्र चतुष्टयाच्युत हर स्वर्णायकाद्यैः सुरैः कार्यारम्भ विधौ समर्चित पद द्वन्द्वं द्विपेन्द्राननम्।

पाशाद्यायुश्च लड्डुक प्रविलसद्धस्तैश्चतुर्भिर्युतं श्रीमद्विक्रम सूर्य पालनपरं वन्दे भवानी सुतम्॥१॥

कामेशस्य सुवामभाग निलयां भक्ताखिलेष्टार्थदां शङ्खं चक्रमथाभयं च वरदं हस्तैर्दधानां शिवाम्।

सिंहस्थां शशिखण्ड मौलि लसितां देवीं त्रिनेत्रोज्ज्वलां श्रीमद्विक्रम सूर्य पालनपरां वन्दे महाकालिकाम्॥२॥


(3) Kalidasa-3-He was also in court of Mālavā king who were called Bhoja in general. Famous verses as dialogue between Bhoja & Kālidāsa are by him. He accompanied king Bhoja to Balkha in Iran where Mohammed approached him for help in his holy war.


भूपतिर्दशमो यो वै भोजराज इति स्मृतः॥दृष्ट्वा प्रक्षीण मर्य्यादां बली दिग्विजयं ययौ॥२॥

सेनया दशसाहस्र्या कालिदासेन संयुतः। तथान्यैर्ब्राह्मणैः सार्द्धं सिन्धुपारमुपाययौ॥३॥

जित्वा गान्धारजान् म्लेच्छान् काश्मीरान् आरवान् शठान्। तेषां प्राप्य महाकोषं दण्डयोग्यानकारयत्॥४॥

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे म्लेच्छ आचार्य्येण समन्वितः। महामद इति ख्यातः शिष्य शाखा समन्वितः॥५॥

नृपश्चैव महादेवं मरुस्थल निवासिनम्। चन्दनादिभिरभ्यर्च्य तुष्टाव मनसा हरम्॥६॥

इति श्रुत्वा स्तवं देवः शब्दमाह नृपायतम्॥९॥ महामद इति ख्यातः पैशाच कृति तत्परः॥१२॥

इति श्रुत्वा नृपश्चैव स्वदेशान् पुनरागमत्। महामदश्च तैः सार्द्धं सिन्धुतीरमुपाययौ॥१४॥

उवाच भूपतिं प्रेम्णा मायामद विशारदः। तव देवो महाराज मम दासत्वमागतः॥१५॥

तच्छ्रुत्वा कालिदासस्तु रुपा प्राह महामदम्। माया ते निर्मिता धूर्त नृपमोहनहेतवे॥१८॥


= Bhojarāja in 10th generation after Śālivāhana (78-138 AD) went to Balkha with 10,000 army accompanied with Kālidāsa. Then Mleccha guru Mahā-mada (Mohammed) approached him for help him in war. He was expert in deceit, but Kālidāsa exposed him. After visiting Mahādeva of desert (Makkeśvara of Mecca, repaired by Vikramāditya), king returned.


This Kālidāsa was Tāntrika and capable of making quick verses. Jaina Muni Mānatunga (Bhaktāmara stotra) was his contemporary. In addition to many stray verses, Chid-gagana-Chandrika is by him. He tells his place near Pūrṇā in Vidarbha of Maharashtra in this book-


इह कालिदासचन्द्रप्रसूतिरानन्दिनी स्तुतिर्व्याजात्।

चिद्गगनचन्द्रिकाब्धेः समयतु संसारदावदवथुं वः॥३॥

कालिदास पदवीं तवाश्रितः त्वत्प्रसादकृतवाग्विजृम्भणः॥३०६॥

त्वद्गुणान्यदहमस्तु वै जगत् तेन मोहमतिरद्य मुच्यताम्।

पूर्णपीठमवगम्य मङ्गले त्वत्प्रसादमकृते मया कृतः॥३०७॥


Three other dramatists-(1) Kālidāsa in court of scholar king Śūdraka (head of Mālava-gaṇa set up in 756 BC-start of Śūdraka-śaka) wrote Abijñāna-Śākuntalam and 3 small dramas as stated by king Samudragupta (Gupta dynasty 320-269 BC) in his Kṛṣṇa-charita, introduction of poets-


पुरन्दरबलो विप्रः शूद्रकः शास्त्रशस्त्रवित्। धनुर्वेद चौरशास्त्रं रूपके द्वे तथाकरोत्॥६॥

स विपक्षविजेताभूच्छास्त्रैः शस्त्रश्च कीर्तये॥ बुद्धिवीर्येनास्य वरे सौगताश्च प्रसेहिरे॥७॥

स तस्तारारिसैन्यस्य देहखण्डै रणे महीम्। धर्माय राज्यं कृतवान् तपस्विव्रतमाचरन्॥८॥

शस्त्रार्जितमयं राज्यं प्रेम्णाऽकृत निजं गृहम्। एवं ततस्तस्य तदा साम्राज्यं धर्मशासितम्॥९॥

कालिदास-तस्याभवन्नरपतेः कविराप्तवर्णः, श्री कालिदास इति योऽप्रतिमप्रभावः।

दुष्यन्त भूपतिकथां प्रणयप्रतिष्ठां रम्याभिनेय भरितां सरसां चकार॥१५॥

शाकुन्तलेन स कविर्नाटकेनाप्तवान् यशः। वस्तुरम्यं दर्शयन्ति त्रीण्यन्यानि लघूनि च॥१६॥


Kalidasa himself indicates this in this drama at start-

नान्दीपाठ-सूत्रधार-आर्ये! इयं हि रसभावविशेषदीक्षागुरोर्विक्रमादित्यस्य (अन्य पाठ में विशेष-साहसाङ्कस्य) अभिरूप भूयिष्ठेयं परिषत्। अस्याञ्च कालिदास प्रयुक्तेनाभिज्ञानशकुन्तलेन नवेन नाटकेनोपस्थातव्यस्माभिः॥


Śūdraka was called Sāhasānka and Vikramāditya. At end, federation of 100 kingdoms under this king is indicated-


भरतवाक्य-भवतु तव विडौजाः प्राज्यवृष्टिः प्रजासु त्वमपि विततयज्ञो वज्रिणं भावयेथाः।

गणशत परिवर्तैरेवमन्योन्यकृत्यैर्नियतमुभयलोकानुग्रहश्लाघनीयैः॥


One verse of this drama has been quoted by Kumārila Bhaṭṭa (557-493 BC as per Jinavijaya-mahākāvya) in his Tantra-vārttika-

सतां हि सन्देहपदेषुवस्तुषु, प्रमाणमन्तःकरणप्रवृत्तयः। (१/२१)


(2) Mātṛgupta Kalidasa in time of Śrī-Harṣa (his śaka in 456 BC-Al Biruni, Abul Fazal) wrote Śūdraka-jaya as per Kṛṣṇa-charita of Samudragupta-


मातृगुप्तो जयति यः कविराजो न केवलम्। कश्मीरराजोऽप्यभवत् सरस्वत्याः प्रसादतः॥२१॥

विधाय शूद्रकजयं सर्गान्तानन्दमद्भुतम्। न्यदर्शयद् वीररसं कविरावन्तिकः कृतिः॥२२॥


He was made king of Kashmir for 5 years on sudden death of king Pravarasena (Rāja-tarangiṇī, chapter 1).


(3) Hariṣeṇa Kalidasa- He wrote Raghu-charita which became basis of later epic Raghuvamśa (Kṛṣṇa-charita of Samudragupta). He was royal authority called Bhaṭṭāra-Hariśchandra in Kādambarī of Bāṇa-Bhaṭṭa in time of Harṣa-varddhana (605-647 AD)>


हरिषेणः-तुङ्गं ह्यमात्यपदमाप्त यशः प्रसिद्धं भुक्त्वा चिरं पितुरिहास्ति सुहृन्ममायम्।

सन्धौ च विग्रहकृतौ च महाधिकारी, विज्ञः कुमार सचिवो नृपनीति दक्षः॥२३॥

काव्येन सोऽघ रघुकार इति प्रसिद्धो, यः कालिदास इति महार्हनामा।

प्रामाण्यमाप्तवचनस्य च तस्य धर्म्ये, ब्रह्मत्वमध्वरविधौ मम सर्वदैव॥२४॥


Featured image courtesy: Cover page of Amar Chitra Katha and Kalidasa by P.T. Pandhurangi.

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Arun Upadhyay

Arun Upadhyay is a retired IPS officer. He is the author of 10 books and 80 research papers.
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